mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
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About us

Edizioni Montaonda


EDIZIONI MONTAONDA – Founded in March 2011,
EM tries to publish skilly books, hostil to the devolution caused by advanced capitalism, for a selfconscious decrease and good and happy life.

In five years we became the first publisher in beekeeping in Italy,  presenting new and old books, for professional- and hobby-beekeeper, for curious and young readers.

We would like to print every kind of book, for every kind of reader, looking at the whole world.

Our claim is to demonstrate that resistance is possible and also pleasant; that making beautiful and useful books is possible, and it doesn't need money and power; that intellectual work among trees and in the wood, between sunshine and clouds, rain, snow and moisture, bees, birds and other wild animals is possible and amazing, and that it calms the human mind from postmodern stress. 

Of course we use computer, internet, and the best devices that allow us to keep in touch with the whole world:

- our authors 

- typographies 

- Stores 

- and (before all) our readers

We don’t travel that much to fairs and conventions, we still don’t have the means (and the will) to do this.

So we work as a small farmer does:  WE SEED BOOKS.

  • Where we are

    Where we are

    We seat in a small farmhouse in the Appennine, between Florence and Forlì

    Edizioni Montaonda di Luca Vitali, via Montaonda, 133 50060 San Godenzo (FI)
© Edizioni Montaonda
P.IVA: 06139310483
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