domenica 23 febbraio 2025
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Edizioni Montaonda
We began with bees, but all topics interest us in one way or another. Who knows, perhaps we will even make a book about shoe strings. But all things attained come one step at a time...
The Bees and Us
Without a publisher that had specialised in bees, Italian beekeepers had missed out on many important texts — both old and new — that had never been translated. We liked this topic and the people connected to it; and we discovered a true microcosm in which the environment, people and civilisation work closely together.
Luca Vitali
5Creator of Edition Montaonda (Montaonda Publishing), Luca was born in Milan in 1962, studied ancient greek at Università Statale and liked New Wave. He lived in Berlin for a time, teaching Italian, and when the Wall fell he became a journalist. In 1996 he returned to Italy and eventually settled in Tuscany. Translator, audio-video-producer and author, he loves traditional music, bees, trees and free animals.
Our publishing house is located in a small remote farmhouse, tucked away in the rocky Apennines, between Tuscany and Romagna. Here, we understand that books prefer the clarity that accompanies the peaceful solitude of the hills.
© Edizioni Montaonda
P.IVA: 06139310483
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