mercoledì 12 marzo 2025
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Clara Gargano - Marco Motetta, Bee Tales2

That Long Winter

Clara Gargano - Marco Motetta, Bee Tales2
qty: Price: 15 € (tax included)
What do bees do in winter? Do they sleep? Not at all. Certainly they don’t fly around
harvesting nectar from flowers, they spend plenty of time shivering together
in the dark, drinking tea, and eating pollencookies overwhelmed by the cold.
In this beautiful tale, written by a beekeeper for his children and wonderfully
illustrated, we see the small bees discussing the right honey for the right tea
- showing children that there isn’t just one kind of honey, and it’s not
always the same.
In doing so, the book introduces kids to the world of monofloral honey.

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